

Was bedeutet Upcycling?

Was bedeutet eigentlich Upcycling? Und wieso ist dieser Trend heute so erfolgreich? In diesem Artikel beantworten wir dir alle Fragen, die du zum Thema Upcycling hast.

Was bedeutet Upcycling?

Was bedeutet eigentlich Upcycling? Und wieso ist dieser Trend heute so erfolgreich? In diesem Artikel beantworten wir dir alle Fragen, die du zum Thema Upcycling hast.

Slow Fashion vs. Fast Fashion

Fast Fashion - Schnelle Mode und ihre Nachteile

Fast Fashion bedeutet schnelle und günstige Mode direkt an deine Haustür – doch was ist der Preis dafür? Erfahre in unserem Artikel alles über die Nachteile von Fast Fashion.

Fast Fashion - Schnelle Mode und ihre Nachteile

Fast Fashion bedeutet schnelle und günstige Mode direkt an deine Haustür – doch was ist der Preis dafür? Erfahre in unserem Artikel alles über die Nachteile von Fast Fashion.

Greenwashing - Kinderarbeit

Greenwashing – Critically question “sustainable...

You’ve probably heard of the term “greenwashing”. Probably in a contemptuous context, because it rightly has negative connotations in our society. What exactly does this term express and why is...

Greenwashing – Critically question “sustainable...

You’ve probably heard of the term “greenwashing”. Probably in a contemptuous context, because it rightly has negative connotations in our society. What exactly does this term express and why is...

Baumwolle Herstellung

GOTS organic cotton good for people in production

The Global Standard passes through the producing countries not only for the environment, but also with high demands for people. For us in Germany, many things are self-evident, but in...

GOTS organic cotton good for people in production

The Global Standard passes through the producing countries not only for the environment, but also with high demands for people. For us in Germany, many things are self-evident, but in...

Baumwolle pflücken

GOTS certified organic cotton helps people on t...

With your purchasing behavior you are making an important decision for employment relationships in developing and emerging countries. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS for short) for organic cotton guarantees...

GOTS certified organic cotton helps people on t...

With your purchasing behavior you are making an important decision for employment relationships in developing and emerging countries. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS for short) for organic cotton guarantees...