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Yoga cushion for meditation

Yoga cushion for meditation

Regular price €34,90 EUR
Regular price €44,90 EUR Sale price €34,90 EUR
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GOTS steht weltweit als führender Standard für die Verarbeitung von Bio-Fasern in der Textilindustrie an. Als unabhängige Non-Profit-Organisation integriert er ökologische und soziale Standards in den Produktionsprozess von Textilien. Die gesamte textile Lieferkette wird einem unabhängigen und transparenten Zertifizierungsverfahren unterzogen.
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Kleidung, die in der EU hergestellt wird, entspricht den Standards und Vorschriften der Europäischen Union in Bezug auf Arbeitsbedingungen, Umweltschutz und Produktqualität. Sie durchläuft strenge Kontrollen und bietet oft eine bessere Transparenz bezüglich der Herstellungsprozesse.
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Vegane Kleidung wird ohne tierische Bestandteile hergestellt und verwendet stattdessen Materialien wie Baumwolle, Leinen, Kunstfasern oder pflanzliche Alternativen wie Lyocell oder Modal.
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The yoga cushions and meditation cushions are handmade in Mauritius. The cover is made from 100% organic cotton. Organic means that cultivation takes place without pesticides and artificial fertilizers. From planting the cotton to the finished product, all work steps are fairly certified.

You can use these classic, round meditation cushions for both meditation and yoga. They have a wide seat, which gives you an upright and comfortable sitting position. (Kneeling position, lotus position, cross-legged position). The inner filling consists of fine organic buckwheat husk. This adapts perfectly to your body shape. If necessary, you can also remove some filling from the inner cushion and refill it later. This means you can customize the yoga pillow individually for you.

Application of handmade yoga pillows:

You can open the yoga cushion on the bottom using the drawstring to access the inner cushion. This means you can remove or add as much of the filling until the cushion is at your individual seat height. The filling made from high-quality organic buckwheat husk is purely plant-based, hygienic and compostable. Organic buckwheat husk is also particularly suitable for higher seat cushions.

What does OM mean?

OM is defined in traditional Hindu texts as follows:

“OM is the bow - the mind is the arrow - Brahman, the Absolute, the goal. Draw the bow and repeat the OM with great concentration, with the goal in mind of achieving Brahman. Then let it go! Through the power of the bow OM, your thoughts and feelings become one with Brahman, the Absolute!”

  • Dimensions: 28 cm diameter, approx. 15 cm height
  • Weight: 2.2kg
  • Cover: 100% cotton (fairly grown), removable, separate inner cushion
  • Filling: buckwheat husk
  • fairly manufactured in Mauritius
  • washable inside out at 40 degrees

The pillows are manufactured in Mauritius in a WFTO-certified company that employs an above-average number of women and people with physical disabilities. A large company with 150 sewers. In addition, the production partners are visited regularly to ensure high social standards.

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