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La Tagua Manufactura

Heart stud earrings Corazones yellow - LaTagua nut earrings silver

Heart stud earrings Corazones yellow - LaTagua nut earrings silver

Regular price €14,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €14,90 EUR
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  • Lieferung: 1-3 Werktage

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Kleidung, die in der EU hergestellt wird, entspricht den Standards und Vorschriften der Europäischen Union in Bezug auf Arbeitsbedingungen, Umweltschutz und Produktqualität. Sie durchläuft strenge Kontrollen und bietet oft eine bessere Transparenz bezüglich der Herstellungsprozesse.
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Vegane Kleidung wird ohne tierische Bestandteile hergestellt und verwendet stattdessen Materialien wie Baumwolle, Leinen, Kunstfasern oder pflanzliche Alternativen wie Lyocell oder Modal.
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  • “Vegetable ivory”
  • Noble design
  • Plug: Silver 925
  • Weight approx: 5 g
  • Diameter approx: 1 cm

You get an elegant accessory that goes with countless outfits. It is made from the tagua nut and shaped into a very individual piece with a fashionable look. Each necklace is unique due to the different structures of the raw material. Your necklace may vary a little from the product photo.

The tagua nut

"The tagua nut is the seed of a palm tree that is native to the tropical rainforests of South America. " Phytelephas macrocarpa " is the scientific name of this plant, which means vegetable ivory. The consistency, the appearance of the tagua and its creamy white The color is very similar to ivory. The tagua is therefore ideal as an animal and environmentally friendly replacement for animal ivory. The light weight of the processed corozo nut is also surprising and its supple, warm structure makes the natural material comfortable to wear on the skin.

Fresh tagua nuts have a jelly-like consistency and are dried until they can be used to make jewelry. They are then sanded, cut into shapes, colored and polished.

LA TAGUA MANUFACTURA mainly uses tagua nuts from Colombia, which saves long transport routes and costs and supports the regional economy. For many people, the use of the wild tagua nut in the tropical forests of Colombia forms the economic basis of their families. This teaches them to appreciate nature and its resources and that protecting their natural environment is worthwhile.

It is a long journey that the naturally grown tagua nut from the forests of Colombia travels to the finished piece of jewelry. Difficult transport conditions; the hand-harvested nuts often have to be transported by boat from the impassable areas of the rainforest; Long drying times and the constant manual processing of the natural material make the nut a sought-after and unique natural product that enjoys great popularity.

Only selected tagua pieces of the highest quality are used by LA TAGUA MANUFACTURA to create their jewelry." Source: LA TAGUA MANUFACTURA


... produces high-quality jewelry made from natural materials. The main ingredients are the tagua nut, melon seeds, orange peel, azai or other tropical seeds and palm fibers from Colombia. By purchasing a piece of jewelry from LA TAGUA MANUFACTURA, you support regional craftsmanship, sustainable production and fair working conditions.

Additional Information

COLORS: blue, yellow, red, orange

MATERIAL: Tagua nut »vegetable ivory«

LENGTH: approx: 1 cm diameter


MANUFACTURER: Green Factory Colombia

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